Sunday, 31 January 2010

Job search - Clockworx

We received an email saying there was a position at Clockworx Design in Poole for a junior designer/artworker this week, so I decided to go for it!

This is exactly the sort of career start I'm looking for. They specialise in branding, print, advertising and digital design and have some important clients like L'Oreal, Sony Pictures and, a favourite of mine for many reasons, Dorset Cereals! The re branding of Dorset Cereals around 18 months ago was very impressive, I loved it, it's been hugely successful and it looks wonderful. I particularly like the typeface they chose for it.

However, the position is full time and obviously I can't work Monday to Friday, but I emailed them and asked them to consider my application and would they consider a reduced hours (say 25-30 hours/week) until I finish my studies this summer. I am working those hours currently and believe I could still dedicate enough time to my studies whilst giving Clockworx all I can during the rest of the week.

I got an Out Of Office response so I will re-send my application on Tuesday, when they are back in the office and hope that it is well received.

This would be a fantastic opportunity!

Live Brief - MADD Events development

I have developed my logo ideas for MADD Events to incorporate the word "events" into the title. I have produced a 16 page pdf. document of different ideas and hopefully they will be well received...except they can't be at the moment as the blackboards/outlook mail server isn't working.

Initially the deadline is today, so I'll keep trying. I think Alycia has been ill recently and she did say we could maybe meet early next week to discuss ideas, so I don't think it will be a problem if she receives them tomorrow rather than today.

It was hard to include the word events in the title, because they had chosen one of my designs that was quite compact initially. I did some research in some of my recently acquired books but struggled to find a solution. As is the way sometimes, the idea came to me around midnight last night, when I was just about to turn off my computer and call it a day. I cam up with two more designs which I am quite pleased with and don't alter the original too much. Neither are particularly groundbreaking, but sometimes the most simple and obvious...just works!

Maybe I should take more breaks?

1) I decided to use Gill Sans for the word event, as it doesn't detract from the original design and sits well with the logo. It also contrasts from the heavier Helvetica font. It makes it quite elegant and keeps the logo to good proportions.

2) I decided to use the M character to place the word events. This keeps the overall proportions similar to the original but as it is white on green it also draws the eye to it.

These are my two favourite re designs, which experience tells me they won't get chosen!

Dreamweaver abc

In what is turning out to be yet another busy weekend - aren't they all? - I have just completed my work for the dreamweaver abc certificate. I'm not overly interested in web design although I did enjoy producing my portfolio site for our most recent unit, and the more strings to my bow, the better.

I have zipped the file to mail it to Neil, but the bloody blackboard mail service is under maintenance so I can't send it! I will keep trying and hopefully get it done later today. I'm at work 8-6 tomorrow so no chance of getting into uni! Fingers crossed it's up and working again soon!

Live Brief - Theatre Orb

I met with Craig Norman about the Theatre Orb brief on Weds.

He was very clear about what he is looking for. He already has a colleague working on a website so all he needs at the moment is a logo for his new company. It is a theatre company specialising in new writing (from the last 20 years) and is therefore looking for quite a contemporary design that is bold and accessible with a target audience of 15-35 year-olds. His would like it to be grey, blue, black - simple and classy. Sounds perfect for me.

As some ideas of logos that he likes and inspiration, he has given us the following:
shared experience

so I plan to do some research and have some initial ideas to send to him within a week. The deadline he set is mid February as his first production starts in April and he will need to have flyers, website and other media prepared to advertise the performance.

Sometimes clients know what they want but cannot explain it and the worst are the ones who have no idea and can't help you at all! I like the fact that Craig seems to know what he wants and can also articulate that to me. The brief seems clear and understandable from my point of a view and with a clear deadline to work to. He has provided 2 email address to send work to or ask any questions. So far it seems like a great brief with clear instructions. What could possibly go wrong?

Live Brief - Panda On A Bike

The designs for Panda On A Bike are complete. I visited the client this weekend and after the trial print run, a few changes were made (like putting the correct postcode!) and he and I are both happy to get the final printing done.

In total I have produced a logo, invoice sheet, headed paper and compliments slip. No business cards as yet as he is still in employment and would like to keep it discreet. There is a possibility of a web page to show off previous work, but this will be further down the line.

I have learned how to see a project through to completion, from the initial sketched to the final printing process. Working in Image XL last summer helped me understand the printing process quite well and I was able to suggest to my client paper weights for the printing and also had an idea of costs.

It has taken time to complete but as he is often busy it can be hard to locate him, even on his mobile or through his mail. Basically I just pestered the heck out of him when I needed some information and finally got it. I imagine working in industry will be similar, although as I know this client I was able to hassle them more than I would a professional client.

He has sent off invoices for work he has completed but as I haven't worked on anything yet, I have no client based work to show. But with his contacts we are hoping that in the summer, when I am more available, we will work more closely on projects.

Live Brief - Master Aerials

This is an advert I did for Yellow Pages for a friends business.

It was the first time away from my University work, that I've worked to a strict deadline. The final design had to be completed and sent to Yellow pages by September and I was asked to start work on it at the beginning of August. This gave me plenty of time but I was still nervous until final approval had been given by my friend and also Yellow Pages.

The design was completed within a week. I then emailed a copy to the client, who asked for some small changes (make the telephone numbers bigger) and amended as requested. I printed an actual size copy of the add and showed it to the client, as it would look on completion.

I then made copies for him and he emailed it to Yellow Pages, who replied with a confirmation that everything was fine and it was ready to print.

The design part wasn't hard as the client knew exactly what they wanted and I understood the brief as it was so clear, but they insisted on sitting next to me, directing every move! This is very frustrating. Eventually he let me do my own thing and when he left the room to put the kettle on (my request) I drew up a basic layout which he liked. I completed the advert later in the week, without the client being present.

I learned how hard it can be to take direction from someone who doesn't necessarily have much knowledge of design and layout. However, as he is the client I had to be respectful and do as I was asked, even though the final design is different from what he had in mind.

I have kept all email correspondence as a record.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Live brief - MADD Events Further Feedback

Thanks James; I will look forward to receiving those amendments shortly.

With regards to the colour of the 'Spectacle in the Square' logo, I think it would be nice to see a few different colours and we can then make a decision based on which one we like the best.

Unfortunately I can't meet with you this week but I am around on Monday. Once I have received your designs on Sunday, I can let you know whether or not we have chosen to use any of your work and if so, arrange to meet with you to discuss the next step.

Should you be interested, I do have another project that I would like to work with Visual Comms Students on. I am sending the brief over to Neil today.

Thanks for your time, your effort hasn't gone unnoticed.

Have a good weekend and I'll look forward to seeing the amendments.

Kindest regards,

P.S. Should you have time to design any more 'Spectacle in the Square' logos, it would be nice to see some comparisons.

Live brief - MADD Events Communication

Subject: RE: Feedback on Logo Designs for MADD Events and 'Spectacle in the Square'
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:31:20 +0000
> From:
> To:
> Hi Alycia
> Thank you for your feedback, it was great to hear you and your teams views and I apologise for not being able to present my ideas to you all myself, I had to work.
> I'm delighted that you are interested in two of my designs. I will incorporate the word "events" into the logo and send it to you when it is complete. If you wish to make any changes from there, please let me know.
> I will also amend the 2nd logo (spectacle in the square) to be more eye catching, bold and spread the tag line over two lines; as per your comments. Are you happy with the colours for this logo or would you prefer a change?
> I will send both the amended logos as soon as they are finished.
> If you wish to meet to discuss any ideas further, you can email me to arrange a time. I am free all this week and if necessary this weekend too.
> Regards
> James

Live brief - MADD Events Feedback

Thank you very much for submitting your designs for our logo; we are very impressed by the standard and versatility of your work.

We particularly like the logo on page three of your document; we are fond of the colours and the simplicity of your design. However, we would like to see this redesigned incorporating the word ‘Events’ as our company name is MADD Events and we feel this is an important part of our title.

When we first saw the logo designs on page eight of your document, we really liked the style and the use of the figure and the stars. However, on reflection, we would like to see this redesigned so that it is more bold and eye-catching and more suitable for using on a poster (rather than a letterhead). In your redesign, we would also like to see the tagline spread over two lines and the event title ‘Spectacle in the Square’ flipped (so that it’s on the right-hand side).

With regards to your other designs, although we did like them, we felt that those mentioned above better suited our style and vision.

Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to seeing the amended logos by Sunday 31st January. Please send them to

Alycia Maylen
Marketing and PR Manager

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Birthday books & D&AD

As it was my birthday last week, I asked for books when the obvious question came along. So what did I get I hear you ask? Only these little beauties:

Typography (Ambrose/Harris)
Logo (Evamy, Michael)
Guerrilla Advertising (Lucas, Gavin)
Design Matters: Logos (Various)
The Art of looking sideways (Fletcher, Alan)
Grids (Ambrose/Harris)

Quite happy with those, as you'd imagine. I had flicked through most of them previously or loaned them from the library, but now they're all mine! I'm starting to build up quite an impressive library of my own actually.

And for those of you paying attention, the also recently acquired (at large expense) Grid Systems in Graphic Design (Muller-Brockamn) was a really good purchase. I was concerned with paying over £35 for it but it's currently on amazon for £50, so I actually think I did quite well.

I am going to attempt the Quaker Oats packaging brief for D&AD and I will be working on my own. Its hard to find time to work with others although these briefs seem quite intimidating and the chance to work with someone would be good. I may complete more than one brief as I like the look of The Bodyshop, Metro, Elmwood and LBi briefs too.

Probably a bit ambitious to have a go at all of them though!

Live Brief - MADD Events

I have produced some logo ideas for a live brief from a group of students studying a BA (Hons) in Event management.

The company is called "MADD Events" (Music, Arts, Drama, Dance) and they needed a company logo and also a logo for an event this summer called " Showcasing Bournemouth's Performing Arts on a Journey Through 200 Years".

With so many elements to focus on in the title of the company and the event, it was hard to know where to concentrate my efforts. I chose to go with bright colours and bold typography, to reflect the energy and impact of music, arts, drama and dance.

The turnaround was quite quick, which should help me when I'm working in industry to get ideas down and develop them. With my working commitments I wasn't able to dedicate as much time to it as I would have liked, but the most frustrating aspect was I was unable to present my ideas in person for the same reason. I would have enjoyed to hear the feedback they gave first hand as it would have been very valuable and influence how I work on future projects

Friday, 22 January 2010

Live brief - image consultants

For one of my live briefs I have been re designing a logo and stationary pack for an Image Consultants.

I have managed to get hold of the previous image, which they were looking to change for two reasons. Firstly, the image looks a little dated but most importantly, they are now in the UK and need business cards etc., made for the UK market.

I first re designed the card last summer, but the client has since decided to adapt that design for something more subtle. I am looking to change the typeface and overall layout, keeping only the silhouette. It will be posted as soon as its finished!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Peugeot Re brand

Not a car enthusiast myself but I spotted that Peugoet have re branded themselves with a new logo.

It's not often that a huge multinational company does this, and even less so considering the current financial climate but it is to celebrate 200 years of the brand.

The logo is strong but what I particularly like is the typeface they have chosen. I'm not sure what typeface it is, probably developed for Peugeot. It's very smooth and elegant, moving away from the chunky more awkward style of before. This, for me, is the most interesting and important part of the design.

It's certainly modern and fresh looking, but will it work?