Wednesday 3 February 2010

Live Brief - MADD Events - Success!!!

I'm delighted that the MADD Events team have chosen one of my logos for their final design. I actually put more effort into the logo they didn't choose -and the one they are going to use I actually produced in an about a couple of hours, from start to finish!

They have asked me to make some changes but they shouldn't take long.

I really think I have learned so much from this process. Working to deadlines, keeping a professional and constant dialogue with the client and also keeping promises and doing something when I have said I would.

I know other students had produced logos, most of them were of a really high standard, but I kept in regular contact with the client and turned around amendments quickly, within 24 hours of receiving the feedback and made suggestions and offered further ideas on my designs. I think this helped, as from the clients point of view I could be trusted to finish what I had started and they probably felt assured from our constant communication.

Its been a great experience, from receiving and interpreting the brief through to the communication with the client and producing the final designs.

I think all this will be valuable to further my career and although I am very pleased to have my design chosen, I have taken even more satisfaction from complete process of seeing something develop on a layout pad, rendered using my software skills (something I could still improve but wouldn't have been able to do 18 months ago) and all the communication, feedback and liaison with the client.

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