Wednesday, 17 February 2010

To 3rd Year or not to 3rd Year

I called student financial services today to inquire about government funding for the 3rd year - should I not be offered a six figure salary as Creative Director at Why Not Associates this summer of course.

Apparently I am eligible for help from the government, although trying to get a straight answer out of them is always near impossible. I was under the impression that I was only eligible for 3 years funding and because I completed a year at Bournemouth Uni many moons ago (12years?) I would only get funding for the 2 years of this course.

I'm sure all the goal posts will be moved by the time a new government is voted in and more red tape wound around the system (things have probably changed in between my phone call earlier and me writing this) but it's great news.

I would still prefer to go into industry this summer as I'm keen to earn money and am more than a bit fed up of being a mature student but, looking at how many jobs are actually out there (in case you were wondering - very few) I might stay on another year to improve my knowledge and let the Industry get up on its feet again. It's got to be better than than job centre!

The downside is, I definitely have to complete the essay for Dr. Anna. Oh, "Gender in advertising and its effect on the postmodern consumer..."

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