Monday 27 October 2008

A Bit Of Guidance

Today I met with Sally after deciding that I needed a bit of direction. Like most, I was feeling a bit daunted by the amount of work we were given and even more so the impending deadline dates.

She promised no boll*ckings would be given so I showed her what I had done and bounced some ideas off her. I think I was mostly unsure of sketchbook use and referencing. It was a really helpful session and I now have clear my idea for almost everything for Text & Image, with the exception of the 3 illustrations. I went away and jotted ideas down in my sketchbook and feel a lot more comfortable with the whole subject.

For the Vernacular Typography brief I want to produce my three sets with a non English feel to it. I am going to look through my photos and aim to produce one on Catalan Typography, one on Spanish Typography and another on Braille. This last one might not be possible as I'm not sure if I have enough images, so I will use Chinese typography from soho/China town in London if necessary.

Tomorrow is my penultimate session in the print room :-( I need to produce an abstract piece and my best idea so far is to produce the word Belong with a large B and the other letters printed inside of the would be easier to show it than to explain! But I'm not settled on that idea and knowing me I will almost certainly think of something last minute.


During our PAL session today we were encouraged to personalise our blogs. I wasn't feeling particularly creative at that moment so I did some research instead by reading 2nd year Vis Com students blogs. I love the illustrations by Jennifer Cant for her greetings cards but what most caught my eye was her final piece for her look again/think again. I think this is excellent and one of the best pieces I've seen from someone at the Arts Institute. Strong concept and fantastically communicated. I hope I can get to that level!

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