Saturday 20 February 2010

Live Brief - Theatre Orb

Got a mail from Craig (Theatre Orb) in the middle of the week saying he and his collegue like a couple of my designs and asked for a few amendments to be made.

These are the designs that I have reworked with Craigs mail:

>>>>>>Hi James
Many thanks again for your designs.

We especially like the black and white one on Page 5 and wondered if you would mind having a go at reversing the colours so we would have white writing on a black or grey background to see what that looked like? Also, we had concerns that the logo would not print up as well when it is small, it seems to lose its' 3D so wondered if this could be taken into consideration?

We also liked the images on Page 8 in that the word 'theatre' was written inside the word 'orb', however, when printing this page the word 'theatre' was lost so wondered if you could play around with making 'theatre' bolder? We also really like the font but wondered if you could try it with a black or dark background with white writing, but with the background having different levels of shading almost as if the word 'orb' was emerging from shadow and/or some kind of glow in the background as if the glow was coming off the orb somehow.

Hope this is OK James....

We're being pressed by the Lighthouse to submit a logo/copy to them asap so we would need this as soon as possible, if that's possible....
Thanks again

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